Scruffy and I celebrated Emmy’s one month early by taking a couple of days off for a pool day with the pups and relaxation. Luna looks so serious.
Rizzo finally had a chance to meet her when she came down. How cute is this? He was so hesitant and gentle. He’s such a good puppy.
Jenny and I being aunties at Emmy’s one-month celebration. We had dinner where the extended families finally got to meet the little princess. She pretty much slept through the entire event. I cannot wait for the end of May to hold her again.
Scruffy was the bestest and drove me to a couple stores so that I could get the gold Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Since the 8 is coming out, they were having a promotion so I had to cop one for myself. Other than having issues with tempered glass and cases, I’m loving it. Off to mess around with my phone some more. Ciao!

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