Work has been a whole lot of stress due to the same one lady. I didn’t have time to wallow through her awfulness since my vendors arrived and were waiting for me at the receptionist. We talked about work and what issues I found and it was a complete 360 compared to working with the lady. These people were cooperative and very down to earth and soon we were on our way to lunch. We ate at a bar and grill place and it was very nice to talk and get to know the faces behind the voices and names.
[2018] 297/365: Happy Early Birthday Mallory!
Soon enough we bid farewell and the rest of the day went by quickly. I met up with Mallory and JJ at City Center to celebrate her birthday early. We both made some purchases at Kendra Scott before heading to dinner at Bellagreen. JJ had food envy and enjoyed more than half of my pizza. He mostly ate the cheese and pepperoni off and whenever I reached over to eat his chicken or fries he’d make me give it back to him. He won’t eat it but place it on his plate. He was nice to dip me a fry off Mallory’s plate though and whenever I ate a fry and didn’t dip it in ketchup, he’d hand me the ketchup tin. He’s growing up so fast and soon enough he’ll understand our adult conversations. Uhoh!
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