I came over to Mallory’s since Leah is in town for the day. When I walked in, JJ was so happy to see me. He screamed my name and ran over to give me the biggest hug. He’s such a happy camper in the morning so I took the chance to get a picture in with him.

When John and JJ left to go to John’s parents house, Mallory, Leah, Jacob and I went to That’s My Dog for lunch. They have the best sausage link ever and their fried taste amazing even with nothing on it! My order next time is just a regular dog with regular fries. Mmm, we were so tired after.

Beth came over and brought over her Color Street kits. I bought a few and we decided to go festive and get kinda the same nails done. I need more practice but I’m happy with how they came out.

Beth left and that’s when the wine started pouring. We even downed some Ole Smokey Moonshine. The one I had with Scruffy a long time ago was the apple pie but I’d say the butter pecan is better.

I took some Snapchat filter pictures with Jacob and loved how they came out. He had such big eyes to begin with so it just enhanced it.
Mallory, Leah and I talked a lot and caught up a bunch. Then John and JJ came home and we left. I just noticed how long I was there but it was a great time. Now to relax with Rizzo before falling asleep. Night, world.

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