Yesterday was straight up busy and I loved it. I went and picked up 3 dozen Tiff’s Treats. One dozen for Mallory, John and JJ and the other two for Kelly and Daniel’s party later that day.

I caught up with Mallory and we played a round of Mario Party which she won and then Mario Kart. For the first time playing with her in person I got first place. First! And she didn’t even get second. Biggest accomplishment in a while.
Soon enough it was time to say goodbye and head to Kelly and Daniel’s. I’ve known Kelly for years and Daniel for the 8 months I worked at the other company. They were having a little party with that company. Majority of them were let go and it was nice knowing all of them but one have found a job.

Daniel made some bombass ceviche! One made with tilapia and another with rainbow trout. It was so freaking good I ate more than I ever eaten in a long time. They had all this other food there but nothing compared to the ceviche.
I had to push myself to go to this party since for almost three years I said no to parties knowing Scruffy wouldn’t have wanted to go and I had always just wanted him happy since he just always asked to be with me. I guess getting back out and being social has been a rough road but I’m getting there.
Speaking of being social, London and I noticed one another on Monday and by Wednesday we were on a roll. I’ve been introduced to a whole new world music-wise and it’s been helpful listening to something different to keep my mind of things.
It’s been nice having someone to talk to and share silence with while I studied especially today. I realized I have four sections due today. I’ve been franticly going through the readings to take the other quizzes. Two more to go. Wish me luck!

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