Oy vey. This Monday was hellish due to being so tired from the previous week and weekend. I definetly did not have enough downtime to recharge.
I got asked by a few people if everything was okay. They didn’t believe me when I said nothing was wrong. I guess I looked sad or had a bitch face on when really … I just wanted to sleep. Out late Sunday night and long day of conversations at work make for a very tired moi. I even skipped the studio to take a nap and work … my new life is grand!
Quick recap of a very filled friends week/weekend. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I will probably make a day to myself though because … drained as fu**.
Phrolic is to have a concert Sunday night so Sebastian met up with me at Michael’s so I can buy some tickets off of him. He strolled with me for a bit in Michael’s while we caught up and helped me pick out yarn for my projects. It was nice to see him outside of whatever group thing we usually do.
Mallory and I went to Bingo Night at Proud Pie. We only did four of the games and left. No winners but we didn’t care. There was a little girl there that looked like she was about to cry because she only had one number left but someone called out bingo. Poor kid.
Michelle and I met up at Bernie’s Burger Bus which they now have a indoor location in Katy. I remember the food truck coming to our work campus and we got to order but this was a totally different experience … better in my opinion. I haven’t seen Michelle since last year and we spent hours catching up. Matt was in town and I didn’t mind if he came with but Michelle told him to stay home which I was actually happy about in the end because there were a lot of personal stuff we ended up talking about. Things like … will you ever feel more for someone than the previous. Because right now, it doesn’t feel like it’s possible.
Deadpool tickets and seats have been reserved. If you don’t know me, I’m a lover for Deadpool. Supes excited. And don’t worry, Row 1 doesn’t mean front row in this theater. I got it for a discount too since Groupon was doing a deal. Always check for deals, y’all!
Lunch plans fell through but I didn’t mind because I got to go home and spend some time with Rizzo. Met up with Apurva and we went and watched Sisters. If you haven’t seen it, go watch it because it was fu**ing hilarious. I couldn’t stop laughing. These two chicas definitely know how to make us laugh. Afterward we just walked around and caught up. It was a very chill day and I was drained from the work week to engage in much other than that so we said goodbye after a long while. Next time we hang out though, it’ll be better planned.
It was 30 degrees when I left the house to drop Rocky and Rizzo at the vet at 7am. They were both shaking. Poor babies. Upon picking them up a few hours later we saw a dog adoption going on and I wanted to get them all. There was a super cute black lab that I wanted to take home. She was adorable!
Mum, June, and I went to IHop for breakfast then I went and got my haircut. You probably can’t see a difference but 4 inches were cut off. My hair lady says that my hair grows very fast and that it feels very healthy. WIN! 🙂 Does make me hesitant to color/highlight/lowlight my hair though. I really want that purple! Ugh!
I took the fams to Sushi 9 – the all you can eat sushi buffet I talked about before. And they all loved it. I’m poor now but .. at least they love it. haha I am pretty sure the servers were annoyed we ordered so much .. and finished it all. We are beasts … or at least my dad is.
I sent this picture to some friends and they thought I was on a date. Which was exactly what I wanted them to think. HA … but in reality I went to Alyssa’s and we turned on the fire pit, opened some champagne, and spent some time with some girls. Cody was out of town so she was all down for girls night. All the girls I met works where I work and only one worked for another company. It was nice meeting new people and just talking nonsense. Hope we get to do this again because it was perfect.
Phrolic – Sebastian and Vince – had a performance at Warehouse Live. They’re moving on up! It’s always a high school reunion for me when I go to their shows since we all know each other from then. Matt, Michelle’s husband, was in town and he hadn’t seen some people in a long, long time so for him, it was a super big reunion. I’m glad he got to see Vince and spend some time with him.
After the show, we went to Neil’s Bar and they had Yaki Snack Attack food truck right outside. I died. I was either super hungry or the food was freaking amazing. I’m going with the latter. Very rare do I get to try out a food truck so I try to take any chance I have. Thankful I did.
We spent a couple of hours just catching up with everyone and it was nice. I know I’ve said that throughout the whole post. Catching up and it was nice …. but it really is. We’re all so busy now it’s hard to get together so I cherish it all.
It’s been a super heartfelt few days and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know I probably won’t see a lot of these people for awhile but when we see each other again, it’ll be another great time in the books and I cannot wait.

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