I love Fridays even though they are the longest days of my life. But the people in it makes every Friday tolerable.
I went to the CPE bright and early to do some FTK work before class. And free breakfast was given to me! Yum!! I didn’t eat it all because it was dang heavy for a morning meal but it was dang good! Bacon (which I’m not a fan of), beans (which makes you fart), potatoes (which I love), sunny side eggs (which weren’t so sunny), and veggies (which made the potatoes yummy).
Then I went to take my Guitar Test. Got an “A”! Whoop! Then went to take my Vocal Test and did HORRIBLE! My accompanist who I’ve never practiced with wouldn’t go to a lower octave for my song so I had to sing it higher. I sounded like a dying cat!
Lunch was served at the CPE! Make your own sandwiches and broccoli soup. Broccoli soup is fattening so I was sad but it was so good and warm in my tummy!! Went to Leadership Challenge class then the FTK meeting.
Went to Habanero’s yet again! Yums! We sat there chilling and talking and it just felt nice. I really enjoy their company. Now all I have to do is learn to be nice to people so that they’ll be my friend.
Patricia, Shayna, Andrew C., Eric S., and I hung out at Eric’s afterwards. We watched an episode of Workaholics. It was hilarious and I can’t believe I’ve never seen it.
Then we played a few games of King’s Cup that soon turned into games of Truth or Dare. WTF, right? That game sucks because I never have good questions to ask people and it makes me share too much about myself. Hopefully what we shared really does stay in that circle. Embarrassing …
Then we played Just Dance 3 on the Xbox Kinect that soon turned into the boys playing Fifa.
It was a fun night even though it was just the five of us. Sometimes that’s all that’s needed. Not wasting money on clubs or bars. Or getting knocked over because of crowds. Just a chill night with great company.
Saturday, I’m ready for you. Homework. Basketball practice. Possible Girls Night with FSA.
Happy Saturday!

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