[2018] 127/365: First Day Look
Today marks the first day of my new job. I woke up a bit groggy since I didn’t fall asleep until after midnight, thanks to not having a consistent schedule since unemployment. I soon kicked into a full go-go-go mode and got ready while Mum took Rizzo out to potty for me. Rizzo was sitting on the stairs waiting for me to go back upstairs for more cuddles, poor baby.
After almost an hour of driving, I finally made it to the office, sitting in the office for over an hour since my new line manager was stuck in a meeting. She showed me around and introduced me to a few people and threw me to the dogs! Ha Just kidding. I pretty much shadowed someone throughout the day.
Time flew by VERY fast and I didn’t realize it was time for lunch. I ventured into the tunnels on my own in search of lunch around 12 PM. This is where a giant corporation differed where lunch is usually with the whole team but I made do and picked up my own lunch.
It took me a while to decide on Baoz Dumplings where you order and take it to go.
I found a nice little sitting area and had my lunch all by my lonesome, enjoying some Parks and Rec on the side. The dumplings aren’t the best things ever but were able to keep me a bit full. The lobster ball is ridiculous and not that great – rip off. Their tea was overly sweet and I had to throw it away after drinking a third of it. Just water for me, please! I don’t mind coming back for some dumplings and hot and sour soup though.
After a little over an hour drive, I made it home. Little Rizzo was so ecstatic to see me. My little baby. Time to cuddle with him. Bye y’all!
Baoz Dumpling
1011 Fannin St, Houston, Texas 77002 | (713) 659-3288 | Yelp

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