Or maybe not. I don’t know. All I know is I wish I was still a child living the carefree life.
After Brother totaled his car few weeks ago, he went and bought his first car with his wife.
Dad totaled his last week.
Today I bought my first car. And we got a stink in’ good deal on it thanks to the team of people that went with me.
I knew I wanted to stay with a Subaru Forrester because I’m sentimental that way. Sadly my new car won’t have an awesome name like Forest The Black Knight Forrester. So I have to give a new name. A not so corny name like I gave my first Subaru. Any suggestions?
But the new beauty will have cooler features so I’m excited to test that all out. The car is currently still at the dealership since we are waiting for the tint. But we are hoping he’ll get to come home to us come early next week. Eeeps!
Brother, Sissy, BIL, and SIL all came home this weekend and we are doing a crawfish boil and will play video games after so I’ll have to keep this post short.
Happy weekend loves!

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