I got off work early so that I could take Emmy to play JJ. I did stop by McDonald’s to pick up some food for me, Dad, and Emmy before heading over.

I stopped by Starbucks and picked up some goodies for me and Mallory as well.

Emmy and JJ played, drove around, went to the park for snack time, then went back to the house and played.

Beth came over and we had wine as well. Emmy actually fell asleep or was so tired she didn’t want to get up. But then she heard “pizza” and was awake again. Crazy girl. Thanks for Mallory having Emmy and I over for about six hours. She had a lot of fun and said she wanted to come back tomorrow. Really wish that she lived closer so they could be forever friends. Sigh.

We went home and soon enough Gordon and Patsy came over and brought mochi ice cream. They played and we ended up watching funny game shows off YouTube before they called it a night.

I received a package from Japan from Erin! She sent two postcards. One for me and one for the old team. She’s so sweet and got things just for me and whatever I pretty much don’t want will go to the team. Don’t worry, I won’t be greedy! I’m excited to try the chips she got me!

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