I had the greatest pleasure of driving Emmy to Sissy’s alone. I’ve driven this stinker around plenty of times but there was always someone with me to sit with her in the back. I was a little worried about how it’ll go. I stopped by McDonald’s for a quick breakfast, handing her some eggs and hash-browns. She ate very little but was quiet. She wasn’t even awake for a full hour and had fallen asleep during the car ride.

We got to Sissy’s where she played with BIL, Kato, and Bruno before we headed to the Children’s Museum. She was all over the place, touching everything she pleased and had so much fun. Her favourites were the phones and gong.

After a good hour or so we went and got food in their little deli shop. Chicken tenders, apple juice, fruit, veggie burger, and fries. She picked the grapes herself, her favourite thing so far. I was surprised at how much she ate and was so proud of her for staying in her seat and for not getting fussy like the day before.

We dropped Sissy off and headed home. I saw this ridiculousness and had to share. Look at the license plate! … I guess this is good for floods.
I had worked a bit in the morning before we left so coming back, I had less to do. I’ve become one of those people who cannot unplug during vacation. Yikes. Not good. Two days of work before the weekend and seeing some of my loves. I cannot wait!

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