I finished my course one day early! I took my two remaining quizzes and wrote a paper all before two pm! I am currently waiting for four people to grade my paper and get my final grade. Fingers crossed I pass!

I got ready, picked up some cookies, and headed to Priscilla’s sister’s house for their family crawfish boil. I never say no to free crawfish!They were huge and spicy. It was perfect and the new take with cauliflower took me away. The flavors really get down in there.
We’ve sat, talked, laughed and the Rockets game is so close! The fight is about to be on but I’ll probably go home before that ends.
A 14 year old was giving me relationship advice which I will say was pretty dang good advice and I never knew that a middle schooler saying I’m really pretty will make me smile. Thankful for these two because they made my night.
I am pooped. Sad the weekend is almost over but glad I get tomorrow to relax since I’m done with my course. Salesforce is probably going to be next and I’m quite excited for it!

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