Best way to gain followers is by following and commenting others.
Wise words that I use to follow back when I was in college and had time to do so. Now that I’m working full time and juggling life, it’s harder.
I constantly tell my boyfriend he needs to make enough so that I could work from home, be a full time blogger and YouTuber with a side job until I make it big. Then we can both “work from home” and travel everywhere.
A dream that would make my world if it did become a reality but I think about what it would be like if it became a job and it was the only source of income. Would I love it still and continue or start to dislike it because it’s so routine?
Plus, it’s so hard when your family is not down to be photographed or recorded. Else, it’ll be so much easier! Come on family, support my dreams!
Speaking of the boyfriend, he brought me my lunch today, heated it up, and hand delivered it to me with utensils! And he added dessert on the side! Little banana chocolates I gave him from Hong Kong, wrapped up in a paper towel. So sweet. #littlethings