I got a text this morning saying that my blog needed some love. That’s how bad I am at this lately.
I’ve started writing more in my handwritten journal. That’s probably the reason for the lack of writing in this one. Plus all I want to do now is cuddle with my little RizzyRoo. I’ve become one of those people.
Oh, and I need a new blog reading platform. Bloglovin’ has been frustrating. When I go to click on “Read All Posts” for the section, it does it for the whole thing. *sigh* Now I have to figure out what I’ve read and haven’t read which is getting hard to do.
Here’s an update on life thus far.
Pluto with the Asus. It’s been working pretty well for me. It’s not fast like the newer models but it works for what I need it for which is pretty much game playing, Netflix, G-chat. You know, the social media type things.
My rock collection ’’is growing. I currently have 11 rocks total! Yay! Majority was given to me by one of my bosses, Steve.
P.S. I also collect Postcards so if you ever want to send me one or bring back a souvenir … that’s all I need.
Speaking of work, here’s one of the views. We’re getting a putt putt on top of one of buildings. So … no work will get done. haha Then there’s a big “river” that runs through it. So fancy.
Work has been going fairly well. I’ve been a part of some meetings that are helping building something that will help the future of our company. That’s always a great feeling. Endless meetings, long conversations, missed lunches. But it’s worth it.
I am officially a bridesmaid which I am honored to be! Oh, and I finished the Save the Dates. Hoping they print well. That’s the only thing I’m worried about. Fingers crossed!!
I got Rizzo a thermal kitty bed since he shivers a lot from the cold. Pluto loves it too. He got mad when Rizzo wanted to get in …
Brother took us all out to Taste of Texas as our Christmas present yesterday. Mmm … so good. So expensive. And it tasted even better this morning. Yes. Leftover steak for breakfast.
As you can tell, life has been busy. A once a week post, I will try. But reading blogs .. I need to get back on it.
Til next time,
Stay Positive & Think Good Thoughts

YAY! It’s always so nice to get a little update from you.
I’m happy to hear that you’re doing well and that journaling is part of the reason for your disappearance. That’s definitely worth it. (:
I love your rock collection, by the way! What a fun idea.
Aw thanks girl! I need to be better at the whole reading blogs. But yes! Journaling makes me write more in depth than ever! Was super surprised. But I am really trying to be better!! 😛 I will get to reading blogs this weekend!!