March 16th
We celebrated Beth’s birthday by going to Shogun for a show and dinner. Look at that crazy fire!
The food was SO good. But the service wasn’t great which is understandable with the shortage. I ordered a drink but only Mallory got hers. And it took forever for them to get us our bill. Overall, the experience was a good one. We even learned that in Chicago, fried rice doesn’t have corns or peas?
March 19th
I finally got to see Brad Paisley live! And he played some of my favourite songs! It was a great night to remember and an even funnier moment where we got tickets standing tickets. Our view wasn’t THAT horrible, but we wouldn’t have made it or enjoyed the concert as much as we did if Mallory and John didn’t have to leave early and gave us their amazing seats.
We played a few games, won some stuffed animals and feasted on turkey leg, sausage, fried twinkie, fried cheesecake, fried snickers, twisted potato thing, chicken tenders kids meal, and pulled pork sundae (mashed potatoes).
We went on the last weekend of rodeo (big mistake) so the lines were busier than usual and felt like packed sardines walking around. We even lost cell service in certain spots because of the amount of people in one area. We still had fun though and am so thankful Frankenstein was willing to experience it with me.
I’ve been cooking at lot more. Getting back in the swing of things when it comes to meal prepping since I really do need to go back into the office at least once a week. I’ve been able to skirt around it since it’s not required.
I finally made it out to Angry Crab! Went to lunch one day with Rose and Kelly and it was DANG good. We all agree we needed to come back.
Rizzo’s just chilling in his blankets and sitting outside with me while I enjoy the nice weather. I am not ready for the heat.
I’ve finished 4 puzzles this time around. Zodiac mountain, farmers market, Texas, and garage sale. I’ve also started on a bitty crochet project. I was in a meeting crocheting away and was wondering why my yarn wasn’t turning. This little booger was laying on it. Glad to know since what I’m crocheting will most likely be his to claw and lay on since it’s a practice project with this type of yarn. It’s SO soft!

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