Mum, June and I woke up early to pick up Sissy and headed off to Dallas. I slept most of the way to rest my eyes. It was nice not having to drive all day!

We left with Brudda, Emmy, and Sammi for lunch at Wu Wei Din. The Xiao long bao aren’t the very best but still one of the bests in Houston other than Wanna Bao.

We went next door to QQ Teahouse And it ended up being one of the worst teahouses I’ve been too. That’s all I’m going to say on that.

Sissy and I went and picked up surprise things for baby Ethan. Brudda went to bed and SIL was still at work. SIL’s mum, Jenny, and Le showed up. It was successful!! Sissy made the teddy bear and I made the decorations for the cake. We all are and talked and had a grand time.

We were supposed to go to the State Fair but ended up against it. We went and got Bols for dinner with Jenny and Le. This place is definitely one of the best ramen places we’ve been to.

We stopped by Fat Straws for another Team but mostly for their mochi donuts. We got the blueberry, strawberry, black sesame, and matcha. We’re saving that for tomorrow’s breakfast though.
We’re back at the house watching the rest of the Astros game. All on the edge of our seats!

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