Started off the day with a green mimosa and a medi pedi. I went with two different shades of orange to channel my inner Halloween and fall.

I met up with Mum and June at Yummy Crawfish & Seafood. My heart is happy. No crawfish but I’ve been moving on to snow crabs lately and their shrimp is always perfect. We took the sauce home to make more shrimps in. Yum!

I went home and relax because food coma then Ed came and picked me up. Everyone who knows me knows that I hate driving so I love when people come and pick me up.
We headed to Trader’s Village. They have a lot of stalls there but not much of things I’d want to buy. I picked out something for Emmy only because it was new. Other than that we mostly ate and drank fresh juices.

We stopped by for some Kung Fu Tea since our conversation started to get pretty deep. It’s crazy how long I’ve known him yet we both don’t see each other a lot. That’s what makes this friendship so easy.
It’s going to be a very busy week especially since my vacation is coming up. Flying to the field office Tuesday for work and flying to Arizona on Saturday for the Cousin Trip. Fingers crossed it’ll be a pretty simple week though.