My work had a crawfish boil today. They blocked out 12-4pm for us so we could enjoy crawfish, burgers, and whatnot. We drove to a park where they hired people to cook for us. Look at that giant pot hitched to the back of a truck. That’s how we do it in Texas …
Pile of critters. It was great getting to mingle with people outside of my team and talk to those that we work with but rarely see. When 1:30pm hit, everyone was practically done. Bossman told us to get the eff out and don’t return to the office. Um … ksweet.
Zuco and I had plans to go shopping but being able to go earlier and get done earlier … score! Look at all her bags of goodies!!
This was one of the only things I bought. (The other was eyeliner.)
Original price: $69.99.
Clearance: $50.
Birthday Month: $10 off.
Wayyyy cheaper than it should be. Great to wear to workkkkkkkkk!
Got my free birthday gift from Sephora! I thought it was funny they made a video but it’s cute and so thoughtful. I looooooooove Benefit a lot so it was a perfect match!!
When I saw this on my feed after shopping, I about had a heart attack. Someone actually reads my blog … and remembers something from it! Shout out to the amazing Rachael from Happy Healthy Runner. Love her! She has found my spot!
Plus on top of all that, I got a call from the lovely Samantha who I haven’t seen in a while. She wanted to tell me she found an apartment with an extra room aka the study. Pretty much saying I have a place to stay if I ever want to just get away from home or sleepover. Great friend who thinks about me. Love her to death.
Sorry for the jumbled mess of a blog post. I have to get ready for my Skype date with the lovely Patricia and hopefully Gary and Shayna.