Cloud Cafe-ing. I’ve made that a word. Currently sipping on an Iced Hibiscus Raspberry Tea. It has a peculiar taste that I’m not use to. I’ll try anything once even though I’m not a fan of raspberry. But it’s not bad. Just very strange for my palette that I’ll have to get use to.
I don’t like that there are MORE people coming in now. I mean yay they’re getting business but now they’re in my area. One girl even dared to sit in MY seat so now I’m in a seat where I can stare at her with disgust. The nerve of some people.
Pretty much how I feel about my seat. *sigh*
Went out with Tim, Sarah, and June for Kenson’s birthday celebration. He’s the youngest cousin I have in the States so it’s a little weird taking him out on his 21st birthday and getting drinks. Everyone is so grown up now. Next thing you know we’ll be celebrating one of my niece’s/nephew’s 21st!
One of the gorgeous views at work.
I’ve been contemplating on other things than just changing up my blog (which might take a while to happen now that I realize how much work I have to prepare for it). I might be going back to school. I cannot fully quit my job since well I’m poor. But I’m searching for some online classes/degrees/programs and whatnot. I’ve found one I’m super interested in but we’ll have to see how that goes.
Cost and how many times I have to go drive/fly somewhere to take tests will be the deciding factor for me. Hopefully whichever one I chose, I’ll be able to follow through. I love learning and things are easy for me if someone teaches me how to do it but taking tests are the death of me – super huge anxiety. *eeeeeeeek*
Me with my British boss. He wanted to take one with the Union Jack! Guess pictures aren’t that fun when faces are blocked out, eh? Oh well.
Time to research about school stuff. Happy weekend loves!