Hopefully in 3-4 months I’ll be done paying back my school loans. I’ll throw myself a party to celebrate. Party of one if I have to. And possibly get my own little doggie a few months after.
Reaction people have when I tell them I’m finally watching all the Harry Potter film series. I am behind on the trend, I know. But better late then never. P.S. Last night I was watching The Goblet of Fire … I cried when Cedric died. And OMG … Doctor Who was the bad guy!
On Saturday morning, an old friend from college contacted me asking me to design a flyer for her Mum’s business since she’s seen my work from when I use to do it for FTK. I miss it. Debating if I should take part time classes for graphic design to satisfy that part of my life. Anyway, she paid me for designing 5 different flyers for her to chose from. How exciting!
Happy Tuesday loves!
Anything you’d like to share?