Currently sitting outside in this wonderful weather typing away on my new mini laptop! This one has a way better keyboard than the one I use for my graphic designing! … gahhh so amazing! I just have to get use to the track pad which is driving me nuts but I know I’ll figure it out.
I actually bought a mini one a a little over a year ago but it broke down on me and I was too lazy to get it fixed. The reason for splurging on another mini one is because of my upcoming trip. I want to blog daily like I did on my other long trips but I didn’t want to lug around my heavy, old, giant one. If I don’t like this mini after a few days, I’m going to return it and lug the ancient one halfway across the world so no worries.
It took me just now to realize I’ll already be on a plane a week from now. I am both excited and ridden with anxiety. It’s funny how I’ve always been this way with a lot of things. So excited for what’s to come but also afraid of the unknown. Like with relationships for example – single fo life, yo!
Take Cancun for example. I was so excited about everything we were going to do and getting to witness both my friends getting married. Plus, it was the first real trip without any family members or soon to be family members. I was counting down the days but a few days before I actually left, I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay and not go anymore. I was still excited but not as much as I was before.
It was hilarious to me that the guy I was kind of talking to at the time thought I didn’t want to go because of him. If he’d only known how much anxiety I was getting from fear of the unknown. Afraid something would go wrong (which did). But by the end of the trip I did have fun and I did not regret going.
Knowing I’m filled with anxiety doesn’t make it easier this time around but it’s not as scary knowing I’m only going home to see my loved ones with my love ones. I’m excited to make new memories and I’m trying to tell my stupid anxiety to go away because everything will be okay.
Oh blogging … how I miss thee.
Until next time,