We are currently celebrating Ethan’s 2nd birthday. Baby Shark Two Two theme. So a super short post about how this new year has been crazy short but also feels super long.
Recap of 2021 New Year Resolutions
- Continue focusing on health and fitness – I would say that I’ve done pretty well this year. Back on track with my issues and definitely better when it comes to mental health.
- Read my usual 12 books a year – I read 14 total again this year. I was genuinely surprised that there were a few that were out of my norm that I ended up liking and a couple that were ones I would love but ended up disliking it.
- Write and play more music – I did not do this at all so I’ll keep it for the new year. But Lily & Daniel did get me a Kalimba and I’ve been wanting one so it’s perfect. Hopefully I can somewhat perfect that.
- Continue decluttering the house and reorganizing – still working on this but making a lot of headway!!
My 2022 New Year Resolutions
- Continue focusing on health and fitness
- Read 12 books a year
- Learn the Kalimba
- Continue decluttering the house and reorganizing
- Continue building strong friendships
Still unable to travel a lot so that’s off the list. Currently trying to make due traveling as much as I can but nothing too crazy. Here’s to 2022 and building more memories!

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