Started off the week getting my official offer letter. For those that did not know, our asset got sold awhile back and we had a timeline to find a job within the company else we’d be our of a job by the end of February. I was offered a role with the company we sold to but I declined due to it being in a different location. I’m lucky to have secured a role within the company. I’ve known for a couple of weeks prior and keeping it a secret was tough!
I continued to keep it a secret from my family and I’ll let you know why below. I secretly celebrated by getting the family to watch Shang Chi with me while I enjoyed my steak and potatoes dinner.
I was suppose to donate blood but I started feeling sick and canceled the night before.
I did meet up with Beth and Mallory at Proper Rose Garden though. We ordered set where it comes with three tiers of goodies, tea, and a cake. We chose the matcha crepe cake. It didn’t taste up to par to what I’m use to so I’m sad about that. As for the tier, only the sandwiches were worth it. Everything else is for sure bought from the store. The tea was good though. The wings were the best out of everything.
I doubt I’d ever come back but if I do I’d order a la carte for sure.
Later that night I felt so bad I ordered chicken soup from Gloria’s … among other things from DoorDash. And did my nails for Thanksgiving.
I finished my day and night beach puzzle. Just in time before the kids came to make my pieces go missing! They came Wednesday and Ethan helped me clean up. So nice of him.
Thursday was pretty chill. SIL offered to go on a Starbucks run so I was able to get the Medicine Ball to try. It really does help! I need to figure out how to do it myself since it’s expensive but so effective.
Brudda and SIL were out to hang out with her old friend. Sissy and BIL came over and we shopped and played bananagrams before starting to cook.
Dinner was served. Half Asian, half American. We finished eating in less than 30 mins. Our family is crazy.
We took the kids and pups on a walk and came back to play some games and eat pies. Very chill and nice family day.
Friday, we went to dim sum with our uncles and aunts, parents and SIL’s side of the family. Went home and napped. Then celebrated Mum’s birthday (along with Brudda’s and SIL’s). While we waited for our food from Katy Asian Town, they opened their presents. Gift cards from me, Sissy and BIL for Brudda and SIL.
Mum got nice lawn chairs from them and I opted for a card that had coupons that were already part of the card. I wrote that she could either redeem all those coupons or redeem $1000 to use toward a plane ticket to Hong Kong … Because I signed a job offer. There were stipulations of course, like she needed to have the card to redeem and that it expires by a certain time. She was so happy about the money she didn’t finish reading and screamed and gave me a hug. I got a second round after she read about me having a job offer.
We played a few rounds of Overcooked, had dinner and then I took a nap. After waking up, we had cookies and cake. They had been playing other video games, like Tetris so I did couple rounds of that as well before we all felt like poop and decided to call it a night.
Saturday morning Brudda, SIL and Emmy left leaving Ethan with us. Gordon and Patsy came over for dinner, mostly to see Rocky and play with Ethan.
I was suppose to go on my date with Frankenstein but told him the day before I had to cancel. Luckily he was down to do a video call even though I wasn’t able to until almost midnight. Maybe this time difference thing isn’t too bad after all. I also wonder if he cares what pictures I post of him. Haha
I woke up fairly late since I kept coughing while I tried to sleep. Apparently Rocky wasn’t doing too well so we took him to the ER and found out, other than his enlarged heart and arrhythmia, he had other issues like a tumor on his heart and spleen.
It was a tough decision but he’s not in pain anymore. And we were all able to drive to be with him. He had his last meal of bacon cheeseburgers. Ate it with so much joy.
I love you baby boy. I hope you’re running around with Krytpo and Major even though you were too alpha to play with them here. I’ll be sad when I turn around and you’re not laying in my room, scratching my doors to come in, automatically show up whenever I turn on my blow dryer, or sleeping in my room until I have fallen asleep for a while. You were such an obedient doggo. I’ll miss your sloppy, stinky kisses. <3

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