Went to a different team’s team building at Top Golf on Tuesday. We enjoyed some treats and had drinks up the wazoo. The manager even paid for some of it out of pocket rather than fully charging it on the corporate card.
3 old fashions, 2 Guinness, 1/2 Dos, and 2 tequila shots later, Chelsea and I took many selfies and I didn’t do too horribly. Glad to have been invited since I don’t know how many more I’ll get to have before leaving the company.
I worked half a day on Friday and took Snapchat selfies with Ethan. His favourite is the McDonald’s chicken nugget one.
I spent time with Ethan and Rizzo indoors. Filled with many different activities.
But we also had a lot of fun outdoors too. Peep him trying to blow bubbles with his eye. Haha Silly.
Tkday, I tried working on tshirts making for the bachelorette but Rizzo just wanted to chill on my chest instead.
Dad, June, Ethan and I went and visited Gma. Gordon and Patsy showed up too. It’s been a while but nice to see Ethan getting a lot of laughs with them.
We ended up stopping at McDonald’s for ice cream and fries and everything nice before heading home.
Speaking of food, some great eats this week.We had hot pot and crabs, stuffed salmon and rice, and pesto pasta. Most notable is my iced latte homemade by me.
Four day work weeks or less has commenced. I’m not sure what my plan is but I’m hoping I’ll get some rest.

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