One of the days I was working, I looked down and saw Ethan chilling in Rizzo’s bed together. I was surprised Rizzo didn’t yell at him for it. It was actually pretty sweet. Rizzo even gave him kisses and Ethan as over the moon because he’s been trying to get Rizzo to do that the whole time he’s been here. He’s scared of Rizzo but also want him near him ALL the time. Even when Ethan is watching me puzzle.
On Wednesday, Frankenstein and I met downtown at Gen Korean BBQ House for a dinner date. It was his first time and he loved it because it’s meat, duh. This is probably the most I’ve ever seen him eat. He probably went into a food coma after. We ordered a 32 carafe of Mango Soju but it looked and smelled like Pine sol. I wasn’t a fan of the flavour, he didn’t hate it, so he drank majority of it.
It was also the day of the Inspiration 4 launch so we watched part of that as well. It was pretty neat to see how the team came about, helping St. Jude’s Hospital. He also has not been annoyed with all my ignorance and questions. Our waiter told us a few tables down, another couple was watching the same thing.
Friday I took Ethan on his playdate to Mallory’s. He played with Jacob for a little bit but mostly he just did his own thing. We ordered habachi food, I got a kids meal for Ethan, and all of our stuff did not come with rice. SO weird. Luckily, we were reimbursed a few bucks to cover it and more.
Later that night, Frankenstein and I met up for dinner at Kura. We got a little toy for hitting our 15 plates and after recording a video, I made him stage a picture which he played along with but I’m sure he hated.
We then went on to Houston Axe Throwing. I was doing fairly well in the beginning but he started to find his momentum and of course, he beat me by a landslide. We payed a few dollars extra to do knife throwing at the end and same thing happened. I suck. I can’t save you. He was able to get some 6s for both tools. Ugh.
Great foods for the week. Due to the hurricane, Mum stayed home and she made us macaroni soup, one of my favourites. We also had Vietnamese beef and rice, hot pot, and seafood boil. It’s been a good week for food. But it’s also time to get back to my workouts.
I did my nails during a meeting. I thought it’d be more neon but it came out well. I even got to play a game of Stardew Valley with Sissy and BIL.
Ethan looked at magazines and would point at all the food. Definitely our blood. I got him a baby shark with a little sound thing that replays the song over and over again. He is IN LOVE with it. Sadly, he went home today. I drove halfway to meet Brudda. Less than a week before I see him again though!
A week full of Ethan and Frankenstein this week and I don’t mind it at all.

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