Went over to Frankenstein’s Monday and got to meet Artemis. He finally named her. Her for now until he actually takes her to the vet. She wasn’t a big fan of me at first so I started taking out different toys I got her (pickle included) to see if I could bribe her. She wasn’t a fan and questioned my every move. She did like my hair and dress though. She finally gave up and cuddled with me a bit while we watched Manifest. I accidentally fell asleep for a short period. Whoops.
I got kitty updates throughout the week. Her eyes are turning yellower! And now I want a cat.
I was able to get some crawfish from Yummy Seafood Tuesday. It’s probably my last time for the season and it was perfect.
I also got to get in a few cups of Watermelon Juice. I got an immersion blender during Prime Day sale and it’s been well worth it. I feel so dumb for not getting one sooner! I’m not sure why I like drinking watermelon more than eating it.
Thursday night I took Mum to Outback Steakhouse. Erin got me a gift card for my birthday to use next time I was donating and it was perfect! I had so much leftover and ate it for two other meals. Their margarita flight was dang good too. Pretty sure not a lot of alcohol but still good.
Friday, after work, I donated and got a free beach towel. I was the last one there and felt awkward that they were all waiting for me.
I went to Mallory’s after where we updated each other about life and then took selfies. We had the best cheap wine and ate dinner when John came home. We ordered from Fuji Sushi Restaurant and it was surprisingly good and they give a lot!
We had brownies and ice cream afterward while watching Netflix. There’s a scene that’s famous on TikTok and we took a gander and boy was it a gander. If you’re wondering, Sex/Life, Episode 3 around 19:50. NSFW.
Saturday I went to Shabu Town with Mum and June after debating for almost an hour on getting Indian food. Hoping I can get some of that in soon. It’s been a while!
I’ve been having a lot of doggie time since Kato and Bruno stayed all week while Sissy & BIL were out of town. Rizzo was giving me a lot of cuddles weirdly enough and I took him up on the offer. We even went on a two hour walk. He was dying but we did it! I was going to take him again today but it was 91 degrees — but with the humidity, it felt like 101. Okay, thanks mother nature.
With no kids around, I was able to finish four puzzles this week. Only 500 pieces each so super easy but no missing pieces!

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