Other than the super craziness at work, life was pretty chill before Emmy and Ethan came. I finished a puzzle, took Mum to her Lasik check up (swollen still but overall okay), and a lot of cuddles with Rizzo. It was very cute Rizzo was sleeping on my pillow which is really rare. It’s going to be over a month with them and although it’s tiring (HOW DO YOU MAMAS DO IT!?) even with so many hands on deck but it’s pretty rewarding.
Saturday morning I trekked halfway with Mum and met up with Brudda to pick up the kids. We stopped by Cane’s and Emmy kept asking why we lived so far to my response was to tell your dad to move closer. hehe They did great in the car overall.
Later that day I found my Sea Dog Blueberry beer that Scruffy gave me back in 2014 … 2015. I had introduced him to that beer and he went with his then girlfriend to the brewery. First gift he ever gave me other than fruit tarts and I kept it, never opened it and it ended up exploding by itself. I forgot I even had it. Goodbye memories. It was kind of cool though, the little film layer of mold when I poured it out.
Sissy and BIL came over with Bruno and Kato. Since everyone’s gotten their shot it was our first meal at the same table since COVID. It was nice, and normal. We even walked the dogs afterwards and Sissy got to give Emmy a bath. Ethan was in hysterics when they held him but he ended up warming up to Sissy. We’ll have to try again with BIL.
This morning I made hardboiled eggs so that June and Emmy can dye them with me for Easter. We left them in for over an hour so the colours came out pretty well.
I took Emmy for a walk with Rizzo afterward, then she and Ethan both took baths. Afterwards, bubbles with June and some other play time.
I love Ethan’s laugh. It’s the cutest.

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