This week makes a whole year of working from home. One whole year where I got to live out my dream of working from home and I’ve enjoyed so much of it.
I finally got my hands on The Secret Language of Birthdays! It was in sale after forever. Four years ago Jamie pulled out copies she made from the library when they were kids of Scruffy and Rami’s and it was pretty accurate and have wanted the book since to read everyone’s I run across. It’s been a pretty good read.
I doubt I’d go through every page but if I did it would totally count as a book for the year.
Ive been making a lot of meals lately but my favourite is still salmon dinners and spicy korean soup. Sissy asked me to make the soup for her next time she’s over.
i ordered dinner Thursday from Zero Degrees and had a great time video chatting with Brudda, SIL, Sissy, BIL, Emmy and Ethan. I can’t wait for the two kiddies to come down next month.
We also booked an Airbnb for June and I am ready! Other trip plannings with friends. Nothing crazy, still staying as safe as we can. Speaking of, Mum got her second shot Friday and I’ll be getting mine Monday!
Sissy came over yesterday and we got bubble waffles, bobas, and lunch. They all got noodles but I opted for my seafood meal. My stomach is definitely nothing near as it use to be so three snowcrab filled me up so much that next time, two might be good enough. But the rest was dinner for today.
Our hot pots have now become more of a vegetarian affair … at least for me. I cannot wait for more hot pots with Emmy and Ethan!
I went and picked up mochi donuts from Bing Su before picking up Mallory to try out Emily’s Taqueria. Everyone including John loved the donuts so that’s a win!
had my first menudo! Super fatty so it’s not something I would really ever get but it was good. Mallory tried it but can’t get over the gelatinous texture of the tripe. Overall I’d go back again for their foods.
If any of my Mexican friends are reading this, please let me try your menudo. Thanks.
Beth came over and brought Connor. I finally got to meet this little guy after six weeks. And I was so happy I got to hold him. I gave him back because he wanted to lay in my chest and I was afraid he’d suffocate on my hair.
We all hung out for a long time talking about random things before Beth, Connor and I left. Jacob took a spin in my car and it was very adorable.
Weekends are always too short but it’s been a very fulfilling one.

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