My week started out with a video chat with Emmy while I worked when I didn’t have a meeting for an hour. She didn’t want to say goodbye and kept telling me that it was okay to keep talking. This girl is growing up so much and has so much sass.
Rizzo and I were able to get a couple walks in this week before my work started going crazy. And for some reason he started not eating or walking for a couple of days. I picked him up as much as I could when he went places around the house and now he’s feeling a lot better.
I finished the Beauty and the Beast puzzle Monday night and started the sunflower one on Tuesday thinking it would take me awhile but I finished it on the same day. I have four more new puzzles waiting for me to complete and I am excited.
I miss learning and so I finally made the jump and bought the unlimited Rosetta Stone. I believe they have 25 different languages but I told myself I’ll start with Mandarin first since it’d be nice to know how to read and write Chinese since I’m fluent in Cantonese but also learn how to listen better in Mandarin and speak Mandarin.
Dad got his second Covid shot yesterday and while waiting I was able to practice some Chinese penmanship. So far no fevers so I think he’s in the clear.
I spent Saturday and Sunday buying materials and making Trolls shirts for Emmy’s 4th birthday. The progression of making them. Layering is still a little rough but am proud I got it down. I might make one more tomorrow depending on mood. Can you spot mistakes and messups?
I’ve been eating DAMN well this week. So much outside food.
Whataburger on Wednesday on the way to Mum’s YAG eye surgery. All went well.
I’m still dreaming about the snow crabs with that yummy sauce. I need more!
It’s been a busy work week but completing two puzzles, producing so many shirts and learning Chinese has made it a pretty dang good week overall.

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