I finally caved and got some alcohol in my system. My grocery delivery came this week and I got my White Claw in. I also went and ordered zebra cakes because I haven’t had it in a long, long time and craved one. I did this in the middle of the day while The Circle was playing in the background.

I felt very judged by my coworker. Constant stares into my soul. These quarantine blog posts will always capture him pretty much staring at me like this.

Friday was my day off so I finally went out into the world with my quarantine mask. I feel like I have a face where I look better with a cap on or something covering my face like this. Also, I need to get me eyebrows done. Thankful for my mask covering up my mustache.

June went with me to the work campus. She sat in the car while I went to grab my keyboard, mouse and other knickknacks. One of them was the Catana Comics daily calendar. I’ve missed over a month now and was so happy to look at them and rip them off. These two were some of my favourites from the bunch because it’s pretty much true.

We went to get groceries as well since there’s not a lot of people on Friday mornings. We also went and picked up McDonald’s to be a little bad. They have the double Filet o’ Fish but I think I’d stick with the single patty. Not enough bun to fish ratio to tartar and cheese. The fish also flaked off more making it fall apart much easier.

I spent a couple of hours perfecting my ukulele playing skills. I sang Rizzo many songs as well and this was how he took it all in. He’s gained a lot of weight from just sleeping all the time now that I’m just at home working a lot.

Check out my creation! Sopa de Fideo! I had my first bowl last December, fell in love, and ever since then wanted to recreate it. I finally found the noodles they use and put my own spin by adding a lot of vegetables. Online recipes didn’t really have anything but soup and noodles so I was very excited when I saw how successful I was. I’ll share the recipe soon but mostly so that I can look back on it when I need it.

I received my early birthday present from Lily! I love everything inside and excited to use everything! She couldn’t wait to mail it out hence the earliness. No complaints here because it makes it just the more special. I love you!

I spent a few hours outside on Saturday, taking in the clean air and cool breeze. Rizzo and Rocky sat with me and somehow, Rizzo ended up sleeping on my lap. I wasn’t against it though since it was a nice warmth. I was able to get through a few chapters but I really need to read more if I want to accomplish my 12 books a year goal. I’ve completed zero and it’s already April!

We decided on hot pot for dinner. I made jokes that we should eat well now since we could all lose our jobs soon. We eat less and less every year which is good because that also means more leftovers, saving money.

I started a new diamond painting and even got others to join in and buy some. Beth is one of them – she found a site and if they are legit and she gets her product, I’m going to order more. I’ve been wanting a square diamonds but haven’t found a design I like. Can’t wait to frame this one – just need to find some frames.

This quarantine might not be what everyone imagined but I have loved every second of it. Do I miss my family and friends? Yes. But we’re all safe and well, a roof over our heads and food in the fridge. Families are making a lot of memories with their children and cherishing the time they have. Board games, family dinners, etc.
I have a job (for now) and I actually love my job. I have more time to spend with Rizzo since I don’t have to get ready or commute. I am brushing up and catching up with a lot of my hobbies that I never have a lot of time for.
There might be negatives in the world or even your own lives, but there are so many positives as well. If I lose my job I’ll be sad, but I’ll try my best to see it as an opportunity to find something I will love even more.

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