Work was nice enough to send everyone a Wine Country gift basket. It has wine, cheeses, crackers, olives, etc. I haven’t fully opened it up so I’m not sure what the wine is but I’m sure it’ll be delectable.

On Tuesday, after work, I went over to Beth’s, picking up Whataburger for dinner on the way. We had plans to wrap presents while watching an episode of the Bachelorette. Not my type of show, but I love hanging out and doing mindless stuff to get away from the stress of work. MacKenzie couldn’t make it but she was nice enough to drop off some homemade Dunkaroo dip and Amish Friendship Bread Starters for us. I didn’t bring any presents to wrap since I wasn’t about to lug everything but I did help Mallory wrap a little bit of hers.

Plum Paper delivery came! I’ve always wanted to order from this company so I’m excited to see how they work out. I’m going to find time one of these next few days to put in all the birthdays, and future dates I already know about. Eeek!

Since I was off Friday, I did some last minute Christmas shopping for the remainder of the people we have left, then wrapped presents just before midnight while watching Castle. I’ve been obsessed with that show and am already a little sad that it’s almost over. Also, I love to wrap presents. Let me know if you need some assistance.

We were suppose to camp Thanksgiving weekend, but due to the thunderstorm, we rescheduled to this Saturday. Funny enough, it was thundering too. Luckily, we stuck it out and it was a glorious afternoon/night.
Mum, Dad, June, Rizzo, Rocky, and I stopped for some Starbucks then we met up with everyone else (Sissy, BIL, Bruno, Kato, Gordon & Patsy) at Stephen F. Austin State Park around three. I did some photoshoots with Rizzo during our walk with the pups. Kato had crazy leaves stuck on him. He’s so cute!

Before our pup walks, we had set up our tents on our two campsites. The pups all stayed in the car and I was very surprised that Rizzo wasn’t squealing like a pig as he usually does when he’s not next to me.

We got the fire set up for warmth and cooked our foods on the picnic table. We had a camping grill with butane so it made things a little easier. Everyone made their own foods and shared. So much food I didn’t take a picture of everything. These are just the highlights.
I’ve always wanted to try a backpacking meal so when I saw Backpacker’s Pantry’s Chana Masala, I grabbed one. It was much better than I expected for instant Indian food. They say it’s two servings but I felt it could be three or four servings! Definitely something I wouldn’t mind eating again and makes me want to try others.

I love watching the sky change and being in an area where it was pretty dark, it was nice to see so many stars out. Just breaking the cold area destressed me. Oh mother nature. how you always amaze me.

I took a lot of pictures of the pups because they are all so stinking cute. Why yes, Rizzo did get a camping sweater. Glad I did because that, his furry coat, and a giant furry blanket were enough to keep him warm in the 40-degree weather in the wee morning. I’ve always wanted to take the pups camping and I’m glad I finally get to cross it off the list.

We all woke up, walked the pups, made breakfast. We sat and talked for a bit more before we started to clean up. Gordon and Patsy gave us Starbucks Hot Cocoa mixes and a Panettone Cake to take home.
It’s been a crazy weekend but it was a very enjoyable one. Although we didn’t get to do much hiking due to the puddles and such, I want to visit more places and just breathe in nature.

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