Fourth week. You’d think I’d be tired of this life but I’m not. Rizzo also has started laying to where he can always view me. He’s also realized I’m not leaving and if the light is still on in my office but I walk away, he knows I’d come back so he doesn’t following me like he use to.

I sent two lucky three year olds, JJ and Emma, a presents so that the parents can have a little relax time. They are black papers where you scratch the surface and rainbowness shines. I heard from both parents that they love them so yay!! Maybe I should get some for Emmy.

I’ve been cooking throughout the week a lot more since I have more time. Loving all my creations and hope to bake something for June soon as well.

Another thing I’ve been doing a lot, or not doing, is washing my hair. Hear me out. It’s gross but it’s not. I’ve washed my hair every single day since forever and after less than a day it’ll usually get all nasty. This has been a blessing being in quarantine to do what I’ve always wanted to. Skipping every other day or more of washing means less oil build up in the end. Here’s to hoping I can keep this up in the real world and do every other day.

Joy now is ordering food at the end of the week. Crawfish from Orleans Seafood Kitchen again because my favourite place still won’t deliver. Kim’s Teahouse because I needed a break from drinking water. I ordered grocery delivery again and put some alcohol in my cart so after a month of not drinking, I just might take a swig.

Funny enough, Gordon and Patsy made crawfish. Timothy went to eat at their place and since I have a tiny cough, Timothy was nice enough to drop some off for me.

To pass time, I’ve completed my diamond painting! I love it so much and cannot wait to put it in my future music room (10 years from now). Sissy, Brudda, and BIL made an online account to try out online mahjong. It was actually not bad. Ukulele learning has been going well and Rizzo laying on my case makes my heart melt. I’m currently debating to get a kalimba or not. Currently in a collect-all-instruments mood.

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