First things first. Rosanna and Duy are finally married! SIL was the matron of honour and therefore to do the whole two weeks thing, Emmy has been over. Their summer wedding became a fall wedding due to the pandemic but I’m glad they were finally able to tie the knot. I wasn’t able to make it but being able to watch it from afar makes my heart happy. Congrats you two love birds!

Emmy has been loving being here. I was doing an eye mask and lip mask and her response was, “Why do you have a shoe, another shoe and a lip on your face?” Too cute and funny.

Keeping her entertained is tougher as she gets older but we are getting by! Lots of different interactive activities. Dad tested out a tent he bought years ago and Emmy loved being in it.
My favourite is seeing Rizzo and her laying next to each other falling asleep. The cutest!

We had a playdate with JJ. I bought them some Bing Su corn dogs which were better than I expected when I dipped it in one of their spicy sauces. Emmy is obsessed with JJ driving her around than actually playing. So weird.

Sissy and BIL came over with Kolaches and Minuti Coffee for us. We played with Perla beads and confetti eggs. We shook our hair like a Pantene commercial.
Emmy also gave us all nicknames from shows she’s watched:
- Emmy = Owlette
- Me = Cowboy
- June = Gecko
- Mum = New Girl
- Dad = Wolfy
- Sissy = Armadylan
- BIL = Mr. Potato Head

Per usual, our walks. She’s able to hold Rizzo now without help and run as well. Oh how she’s grown. I found it hilarious that she walked June and Rizzo at the same time due to June’s fanny pack slack.

Feeding her has also been easier than before. Hot pot is still her favourite.
I was able to get my Starbucks when Mum had her second surgery for her eyes. All went well. We’re hoping for good healing before she gets glasses. Thanks to everyone that asked!
I also went and got myself some PB whiskey, a different brand than what I tried in the past. And for the first time, I found the correct Soju! I am SO excited.
It’s been a crazy week but being able to take half a week off has been amazing. I’m excited to see what this week will bring us before she leaves again.

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