Work is not slowing down but people are acknowledging the crazy work load we have so they are more lenient. I got a good compliment the other day so I’ll put it here as a reminder of what my future could one day hold.

I unwind by spending time with the birthday boy Friday. He turned one!! If you’re wondering, we’re both look super amazing with blonde hair. He also doesn’t like to smile at the camera too much.

We went to Dewberry Farm for a few hours. The drizzly rain and wind didn’t slow us down and saw A LOT of pumpkins.

There were hundreds of carved pumpkins all lit up. I wonder how much these people get paid. They are so intricate!

We also went gemstone mining and got some cool rocks.

We rode the train (social distance style!) and saw a lot of Christmas trees growing. The ones with a little white makes my heart happy. I hope one day I get to chop one down but I heard the clean up is horrible.

We went and picked some flowers and did a tiny photoshoot with the sunflowers. I gave Mum the flowers I picked and she thought they were fake!

Mallory, JJ, Madison and Danica all went up on the Ferris Wheel. I stayed below with Jacob. The people working the wheel kept them on it for SO many iterations. When Mallory and JJ got off, we left Madison and Danica to stand in line for food. Apparently Madison had to ask to get off since they weren’t going to let her.

They packed their lunch but if you know me, you know I’m all for getting some goodies. I got a corn dog and a Souvenir cup. Souvenir cup is not worth it but it’s cute.
I got the funnel cake fries (good), churros (horrible), and corn cup (delicious!) to share. And I also grabbed a bag of kettle corn before leaving since I knew June loves it.

We did other things like the Black Hole (don’t take kids!), saw animals, rode some rides, and did my first Corn Maze.
I had a lot of fun with my first time in Dewberry Farms and hope to come back again in the future.

Lots of good eats this week.

And our usual walks to burn it all off. That top picture makes my heart so happy.

Today I went and voted! The finger condom is super cute and the location I went to was not busy this time. I hope everyone is going out there and voting or at least mailing in their ballots.
This weekend went by too fast. I need to figure out my vacation days and use up last years. I need a recharge.

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