What do you do when you you have four meetings back to back? Do your nails of course. Getting the hang of it and the meeting felt like it wet by faster because of it.

On Friday, I met up with Jeff. We got L&L Hawaiian and Tea Top and talked about life. I had plans to go to Mallory’s afterward and found it funny that she chose the same drink I had.

I delivered her drink and we hung out for a bit. I even got fed some spaghetti. It’s been a while so it was hitting the spot. Jacob eating cheeto puffs is so adorable. And JJ there some beans everywhere hoping it’ll grow randomly.

Mallory gave me a big bushel of basil and so after a walk with June I watched Wong Fu episodes whole picking them off the branches. I’m excited to try and make pesto. Hoping it’ll be as good as Ashy’s. Fingers crossed!

Saturday morning I opted out of walking with June and met up with Jared and Charlie instead at Terry Hershey Park. Rizzo didn’t care much for them and just wanted to walk.
Charlie is a ball of fire. Only 10 months old and love to run. He got Jared running too and it was hilarious. The boy also loves sticks and grabbed a giant one that he ended up slapping Jared in the shin. Charlie was sweet when he realized he hurt his owner and dropped the stick and went over to Jared.

On the drive home I stopped by Wendy’s to cool down and took a nap with Rizzo. We were pooped.

We walked with June later that night and my steps count went through the roof. Still blessed with the views for the week. Dad even walked with us today and was amazed he was able to keep up.

Hot Pot. Spicy AF noodles that is my new love. Charcuterie going strong when I don’t have time during the week. And today, Sonic.
This weekend went by way too fast but I guess that’s what happens when you’re having fun.

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