We had a super long walk to start off Labour Day. Accomplishing over 3.5 miles so early really makes you feel better about taking a nap later in the day.

These were the other views I saw all week on our daily walks. Never taken for granted the views. Rizzo even climbed a tree that was knocked down.

I got rid of my dip and redid them and did better the second time around. I had bought more colours and opted to try out the colour changer. I’m a pro now. Get at me!

Since I worked so many extra hours this week, I left work thirty minutes earlier and met Jeff at Flip n Patties. This has been on my list since it opened! And I was beyond excited to try them out.
Skip their hand sanitizer though … It smelled horrible.
Their food on the other hand was friggin bomb and I am kicking myself for taking so long to get here. We ordered the regular burger with the fried mushroom on it, pupu platter and flan. Sigh … I loved the pupu so much I was debating ordering another for my family to try. Their rice … only dear if you love garlic because your breath will stink after. Well worth it though!

Other eats from the outside world was authentic Chinese Take Out and Popeyes. Drool. I’ll be eating my leftovers for days.

If you know me well, you’ll know I’ve been looking for a bed since probably 2014. And I finally made the purchase! I debated on different brands and deals and decided Labour Day was the best time. It came two days later all roll neatly in this box. I have 100 days to try it out to decide if it is for me or not. I’ve been cleaning all weekend making room for my first queen sized bed. So far I’ve had a Sunday nap on it and I’m loving it.

Saturday, in the middle of cleaning, I took a two hour break to attend Mercedes and Sebastian Baby Shower, Live on Facebook. They had three different games in between opening presents and I think it went really well. I actually won on the second game! They asked for my address but no clue what I’ll be receiving. Knowing them, it’ll be hilarious. She also looks damn great for someone about to give birth in a little over a month!

Sissy and I did a video chat for over four hours. It started as random conversation to me modeling clothes for her to help me get rid of junk. Sissy kept telling me I’ve lost weight but I didn’t believe her. (Mallory has said the same but I feel the same.)
I was never in the midset to lose weight so I was surprised I can fit into clothes back from prior to dating Scruffy. I guess they were right.
From purses to shoes to clothes. SO MUCH CLOTHES. I found clothes from elementary school all the way to present day. All the free shirts/hoodies I got through life especially college and donating blood. Clothes that will never fit my curves ever again.
Today, I have purged so much out of my life and donated it all away. June threw in some things but they were mostly mine.
I’m still nowhere near complete with my purge but I’m happy that it jump-started June and Mum in doing the same … or hoping to do the same. We are planning to donate more next week.

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