Kimchi Soup going strong with the amount of kimchi we have. Apparently someone said eating kimchi will help you not get corona which I doubt is true. But still yummy.
Also been loving my everything but bagel eggs with pickles.

Friday, I finally went and got a tattoo. Just kidding. I got shot up again. Hoping one day it’ll stick.
i grabbed Whataburger on the way to Mallory’s since I hadn’t eaten all day. I forget how good their chicken strips are.

Jacob is so grown! He doesn’t mind me holding me anymore with my mask on. And JJ is going to be a pro at Mario Kart and will beat me soon enough.

Saturday, Sissy and I had a manicure date on video. She got a polymer gel kit and I got a dip kit. It was actually pretty fun doing it together. I loved mine so much I bought more colours. I haven’t painted my own nails since college so it’ll take practice but not bad for my first time! I stayed on with her while she finished up .. four hours later. She’s got the hang of it now though.

Family had hot pot after my video chat. Then Disney+ Mulan. Even though it’s in English, Dad even joined in. It’s not the same as the cartoon but it was a great movie overall. I cried at the proud parts, sad parts and happy parts … of course. It was nice being able to see Chinese people I watched growing up on the big screen.

Blessed to have these views. It’s been over a month hitting my steps goal … over 10000 daily now. Not sure how long I can keep it up but if I’m able to hit 5000, I’m happy.

We went to TJMaxx to get out of the house then picked up Smoothie King. We picked up Pho and KFC. KFC is not as bad as I remembered back in college.
We watched all three John Wick movies today. Oh the life of quarantine and holiday.

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