My Big Brothers Big Sisters Match closed this week. She had to move and a new school means not being in the program anymore. It’s been a bummer. Although we didn’t have much in common we got along so well.
On Tuesday I had my reinterview and by Wednesday I was rematched. Our coordinator thinks we’re an even better match but we’ll have to wait and see how we pan out. I’m excited and hope this one will last.

Work is starting to move to Microsoft Teams which means the use of video might happen more. Top left was my look during a team meeting. My hair is so long. Told Sissy I’m going to see how long I can get it then donate it when I have to go back to the office. I have been trimming the dead ends but I might give in soon and chop it all off.
Rizzo loves sitting in the sun when I let him out during the afternoon. I’m guessing because he practically sleeps all day. His favourite is still snuggles with me. On good days he gets so close like this and warms my heart.

We’ve ordered out a few times. Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s (twice cuz we fatties), and Pizza Hut.

I did do a lot of homecooking though. Working from home has big perks. Stuffed salmon and veggies is still my number one dish. Just wish I had some pilaf to complete it.

Since I was off Friday I went and picked up Babin’s Seafood for Houston Restaurant Week and headed over to Mallory’s. Beth came over as well. Their etouffee was so bomb. Their gumbo needs some help though. It tasted like muddy water with shrimp. There was no veggies like other gumbo’s I’ve had. Definitely not worth it.
JJ was busy the whole time I was there which means he’s growing up! Mallory have me some spiked iccees and test tube shots. The test tube is DELICIOUS! Super sweet but still good. We looked at houses online for me and joked after a few more test tubes, I’d be signing on the dotted line.

Saturday night, we celebrated June’s birthday early. Sissy and BIL came over with Zoe’s Kitchen. They ate at the kitchen table and we are in the living room. I opted to make myself a steak, veggies and mashed potatoes since I had to donate blood the next day. I did try their lentil soup, falafel and hummus though and all is ever as tasty.
We played Houseparty Uno and Drawing games before video calling Brudda to sing, cut the cake, and open presents.

Walks are still going strong! My step goals keep going up and it’s getting harder to meet the goal during the week day but I push on. We see so many sunrise and sunsets these past few weeks that I’ve decided sunsets are my favourite.
Rizzo has always been great off the leash. We’ve been training Rocky to be off leash and he’s doing well. The main reason is because no one and nothing is around else he’d probably haul ass to whatever he sees.

Today after our one hour walk, shower and a quick breakfast, I was off to donate blood. I was very worried I wouldn’t pass the temperature test since I usually run hot but all was well. I was in and out in about an hour. I got jipped. Mallory and her family all got tshirts for donating but I didn’t. It is a dang good shirt too! I guess I went too early and they didn’t have them ready. I’m still bummed but I’ve had bad luck for a while so nothing new.
This week is the last week for some folks at work. Not sure how it’ll go after they’re gone and new people start but I’m ready to take on the change!

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