Work went by fairly quickly this week. Plus and minus to that. It just means this week will be a little busier because that’s how it usually works out.

Emmy did her ABCMouse and said she’s just like me “working”. We found out they had Chinese word tracing as well which was kind of cool.
She even had a video chat with JJ, Jacob and Mallory. She kept wanting to go over to their house but this was the best I could do.

Emmy had a lot of activities going on this week. Our usual walks with Rizzo. She’s taken a liking to seeing his tongue and panting. Kinda cute.

The usual eat all the foods.
We had takeout from Pho Saigon, Smoothie King, Krispie Kreme, and Los Roberto’s this week.
We made our own Galbi (Korean Short Ribs) that came out fabulous. And I taught Emmy how to wash strawberries and blueberries.

I gave her a manicure. Mallory had old Jamberry nail stickers and since she didn’t use them anymore, it was a fun activity to do with her. She loved them until one came off and she took them all off.

Since I was off Friday we did some painting. It’s been a while. She loved when I did the cup method and even chose colours for two of them. I need to put on a top coat so she can take them home.

She’s been asking for Paw Patrol lately so I got her little ones. They’re actually for cake decorating but it works. She’s played with them nonstop so it’s a good $13 well spent.

She doesn’t care how I do her hair, she loves it all. Especially the silly ones.
She loves laying with me in quiet as we listen to Taylor Swift’s newest alblum, Folklore. She tries to sing along and tends to ask me sing to her and sometimes requests random songs.
Rizzo growls at her sometimes when she makes sudden movements towards me but she always wants to be with him anyway. And even sticks her hand purposely into his mouth.
Final week with this little monster. I’m not ready for her to go home. Sigh.

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