Did you know this past Monday was National Fried Chicken Day? We celebrated with some Church’s Chicken because I’m extra like that.

We had A LOT of presents for Emmy since she was staying for a little while longer. I noticed a package I didn’t order. I contacted Amazon and after they checked out the tracking number, they told me to either keep it, give it away, or throw it away. I guess since it’s fairly cheap it wasn’t worth the hassle. Blades and hot glue gun. The crafter in me is not mad.

Brudda and SIL video chatted with us — mostly to see Emmy and asked if I received a package already. I thought they were talking about the formula for Emmy but it was actually a surprise for me.
Jenny asked me to be a bridesmaid. A shocker for me since I thought she’d keep it with her childhood friends but I’m excited to be a part of her tying the knot. I cannot wait to celebrate their love next year! Hopefully all calms down by then.
Emmy tried to take everything in the box, thinking it was all hers. I did spare a lot of my hearts for her which she was thankful for.

Tuesday, after work, we dumped in her new letters and fishing toys, filled up the new pool, and put on her new swimsuit. She picked the swimsuit herself. Her requirements were pink and mermaid. She did want me to get her a tail as well but I ain’t made out of money. Sorry, booboo.

After swimming around she laid down next to me while I read a book and she watched her Baby John shows with Rizzo.

Wednesday, I had my interview. Nervous was an understatement. I was asked if I wanted to do audio or video and opted to do video since who would ask if they wanted audio?
I put on a nice top, did my eyeliner and eyebrows, and side braided my hair. Emmy saw me and said that I was beautiful because my hair looked like Elsa. This was also the day Emmy learned how to say “I’m scared” in Chinese and uses it now.
It was a tough interview for me on so many levels. I came out unsure but I sent my thank you letters anyway. Don’t worry, I didn’t say, “sorry for being horrible in the interview” or anything like that. I did get responses of thanks and such. The one above did make me feel a little better especially since this person looked a little bored when I talked.

SIL bought a subscription to ABC Mouse for Emmy so I set her up and started her on the assessments. She’s pretty smart for a three-year-old! She plays games and watches videos that ABC Mouse provides and when I don’t need to help her out with it, I’m able to read and do other things.
We got her a kitty on it and I asked her what she wanted to name it. She initially said “cat!” but I said, “Rizzo is a dog and we call him Rizzo.” So she changed her answer to “Chansik” instead which means orange in Chinese. I was too lazy to correct her.

Another package came — pink crocs and new clothes from Sissy. She loves her crocs and wear them around the house. We haven’t had a walk yet with them but hopefully will this upcoming week.

Friday I went over to Mallory’s to drop off some goodies I got her from the Asian market in return of getting the tumbler which you’ll see down below. I bumped into some traffic — road work by her house. Luckily it was quick and we were able to pass by …

… else I would have missed my blood donation appointment. They heard my complaint about the temperature gun and when I failed it this time, they gave me the throw away temperature stick instead and I passed. Guess these bangs make my forehead hot. I was out of there in less than an hour which is record time for automation donation.

I stopped by Sonic on the way home for some ice cream to replenish what I gave. I gave half of it to Emmy. I also bought other snacks for everyone as well.
Emmy got to use her new tumbler. I was going to go to the event and make it myself but due to level one, I stayed home and told the lady what I wanted. I decided to give it to Emmy and personalized it for her. She says she’s like GooJei when she holds her cup because I use the black tumbler.
I had the cutest conversation with Emmy.
Emmy: GooJei (what she calls me), why you buy ice cream, food, and new cup for Emmy?
Me: Because I love you.
Emmy: Aww I love you more.

Yesterday we opened up the scratch-off paper I bought her that came on Monday. It came with 50+ sheets that will her occupied for a long time. She understands the importance of keeping the scratchies in a pile on the table so that it doesn’t fly everywhere. Sigh … what a good kid.
I told her I’ll write “Emmy” on mine and she said she’ll write “GooJei” on hers. She tried — scribble and all. Too funny.
I taught her how to draw a poop emoji — because I’m that type of aunt. You’re welcome.

Today her newest toy came — probably the last toy I’m getting her this visit because I am poor now.
It’s a water mat. Fill the pens with water, draw on the mat, and it dries after a few minutes. This kid wanted to go swimming but after doing this for two hours, she forgot all about swimming. She even said it was too sunny to go swimming because she didn’t want to stop drawing.
We listened to music and sang while she drew. It was so relaxing and a fun time all around. Tracing the alphabet is her thing now and having another place/way to do it other than the dry erase book is a plus for her.

So much good eats this week. Kimchi noodle soup, steak for blood donation, and hot pot. We’ve been doing hot pot a lot but Emmy eats so much more when we do. My go to has been eggs. I’ve been having it every single day for lunch.

Today I wore the tie-dye shirt I made myself. She screamed out “OMGoodness it’s so pretty the shirt! Colours!”
The ones I made for Emmy and Ethan are in Dallas. By the time she goes back up, she’ll probably outgrow them. The one she’s wearing now was supposed to be for Patricia’s niece but I guess I’ll be tie-dying again soon.
It’s big on her and when Mum put it on her she said “I love my pretty dress. Like GooJei.” My heart is so full right now. Can you stay forever?

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