I’ve been watching Emmy while I work and my goodness it’s a whirl. Luckily I didn’t have as many meetings as I did and when I did it was with people that I was cool with.
She’d do cute things like putting the pillow around Rizzo’s neck and saying he’s a lion and making me watch. Wishing I had more time to give to her during the day but it is what it is.

On Monday night we had a Cousins Video Chat. It was nice to “see” everyone and catch up about the crazy. We joked that our Cousin’s Trip is going to be like this and we should put a fake background for fun.

Emmy and Rizzo had fun sitting outside looking at the moon. She’s so grown!

Tuesday night I made slime using only three ingredients with Emmy. Glow in the dark, glitter slime to be precise. She LOVES it and we played with it for multiple days. She makes random things like cupcakes/cakes out of it and sing us happy birthday. Oh how much fun this age is. She wasn’t as excited about the glow in the dark as I was.

We went and bought groceries on Friday with Mum and June and decided to get some hot pot action in. It was cute when we made Emmy meat and she said it didn’t look the same and didn’t want it. I had to cook it and make her watch for her to understand that the red/pink meat turns brown when it’s finished cooking. After that, she gobbled it all up.
My other meals I’ve been loving lately, eggs with a side of bacon and cherry tomatoes for brunch and super delicious pupusas. I’ve FINALLY found pupusas I like in the grocery stores. Guys, seriously the best thing. I cannot get enough! It’s on my docket of things to learn to make from scratch.

We picked up some fireworks and spouted some simple ones for fun after we had our hot pot feast. Emmy’s favourite was the Doggie Doo Doo and sparklers. There was NO fear — brave just like her daddy.

On Saturday, for Fourth of July festivities, Emmy, June and I made crepes, American Flag crepes to be exact. She was so good next to the stove and gobbled up the crepe so fast without anything on it. Sigh, wish she lived closer so I can have more of these moments.

Sissy and BIL came over with Los Robertos. They sat outside while we sat inside with the door and windows open for communication. We sang happy birthday to BIL and had hilarious moments with Emmy as the center of attention.

Emmy and I had a photoshoot Friday night after fireworks and a shower. Moments like this. She is so silly. #nevergrowup or at least #growupalittleslower

Keeping her entertained has been a struggle as I want her to continue to learn more and do more. She’s so smart and definitely at an age where she can pick things up — like when we say certain things.
She was supposed to go home today but plans have changed and she’s staying with us a little longer. It could be a week or more. Everything is up in the air.
If anyone has any tips on how to entertain a rowdy 3 year old, please don’t hesitate to share.

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