There were some nice IMs I received this week. Two more weeks until we find out results if we got a job or not. Counting down the days.

Emmy spends time in my room when I don’t have any meetings for a while or if Dad was cooking. She’s really respectful when I’m in a meeting. Such a sweet girl.

We would take thirty minute walks during the day and an hour at night. She ran after I said to stop and she ended up with two bandaids. I taught her how to walk and she hasn’t fallen since.

Id try to get off at a reasonable hour and we’d play with chalks and bubbles outside.

Then we did some shopping, drawings and letter tracing. She’s doing way better with her alphabet!

We even made biscuits and smeared Nutella on a few of them. She gobbled majority of them up through the last few days.

Rizzo loves Emmy here because, extra pets, but he also gets jealous. He’s been sleeping so close to me to where I saw this when I turned over.

June ordered some fried yummies from Black Pearl. I made a nice steak meal since I had a blood donation the next day. I think I got this steak making down!

Friday morning, third time in three weeks. They finally didn’t have an error and I was able to donate. I got a different shirt as well. Probably one of my favourite ones and it’s so soft!

Saturday, after buying groceries with Mum I went and picked up Timothy and headed over to Gordon’s and Patsy’s. Our last crawfish boil of the year. Patsy makes dang good chicken wings and I was able to pack a couple to go.

Brudda have Dad a massage gun which I’ve been using every day. It’s probably the best thing I’ve used since the bed I have currently is so old. New bed coming soon!
It’s been a very tiring week with Emmy but oh so worth it. One more week with her. What activities should we do?

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