Rizzo still stares at me a lot while I work.
As of this afternoon (Sunday), I have applied to the first round of jobs available. 6 total within my company. Three weeks or so, we’ll find out the results.
Fingers crossed I get something.

I’ve been taking Rizzo on walks and he’s super lazy. After 15 to 20 minutes he just wants to lay down on the grass. Luckily he doesn’t really run away so I left him on my front lawn and continued my walks alone until he was ready again.

My steak meals are getting better and better. And eating this helped my iron count for the next day.

i had a breakfast tacos from Los Roberto’s on the way to the blood donation center. I passed all the tests this time but they failed at putting in the needle. Luckily I got a shirt.
I go again this Friday. Hopefully the third time’s the charm.

Saturday afternoon I went over to Mallory’s. We did nails with Beth. We’ve come to realize we can get three full sets completed out of two sets. Saves a lot of money! So kind of cool.
Beth tried getting Jacob to crawl. Still not there yet but he’s good at spinning himself around.

We went to Daddy Duncan’s BBQ truck, Erma Rose Winery and Texas Sno. Beth and Scott met up with us.
The BBQ was fantastic! I love BBQ sides so much! As for the winery, I’m a little meh about it but I probably need a lot more tries to fully decide.
I opted out of the snow cone this time but it’s definitely on my list.

Mallory got a new car so I made her a decal I saw from online. Hit me up. Bahaha

Today, Emmy came down with Dad from Dallas. She still loves her bubbles and Halloween sing-a-longs.

I had a whole spread of food for Father’s Day. Timothy joined after he dropped Dad and Emmy off. I ordered Church’s Chicken with a few sides and made the rest.

I made little pound cake topped with berries and whipped cream for Dad and Emmy. They gobbled it all up.
It’s been a good weekend. The only thing I’m worried about is the whole job thing but I’ve done my part. It’s out of my hands and I can only stay positive.

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