Many said that since my name appeared on the list of recognitions for our Asset’s townhall on Tuesday, I have a higher chance to get a job when we reapply this upcoming week. I’m not sure that’s how it works so wish me luck!
I stopped by work and picked up a care kit Thursday during lunch. They decided to give each employee a bottle of hand sanitizer made in house as well as four cloth face masks. It was nice that I just drove up and they dropped it in the car.
It was also nice seeing one of the maintenance/movers that I’ve known for over a decade there yelling my name when he saw me.

When I headed home after picking up the kit, I decided to pick up a cheeseburger for the red meat I needed since Mallory and I signed up to donate Friday afternoon.
Mum was nice enough to bring home red meat kabobs to help my iron levels as well.

Friday morning Ed came over and we walked Rizzo around the park across from my house. We both wore masks and caught up and after almost an hour we headed back since Rizzo was dying from the heat. I said bye to Ed and ended up going Rizzo a bath since it’s been a while.
After relaxing for a bit I met Mallory at the Blood Center to donate. My screener was horrible at using a temperature gun and deffer me even after I told him to get a different one to ensure I really didn’t have a fever first. I ended up not being able to donate due to human error which is the stupidest reason especially at a time like this.

I ended up going over to Mallory’s house. Mallory, JJ, Jacob and I went and got snowcones from Texas Sno. They had colour changing cups which was pretty cool. We took them home and JJ literally slurped up the syrup. I threw away the last half since it was too much for me. I’d probably opt for a kids size next time rather than a medium.
The treat was great for such a hot day and probably the one and only snowcone I’ve ever had that’s worth the money. I joked wanting to come every time I come over now.

After hours of hanging out I stopped by Starbucks and got my free bakery treat then to Chick-fil-A for my free birthday cookie. The rest was ordered since I was there anyway and knew others might enjoy.

Saturday we went to Souq International Market. It opened last Sunday and we were able to do ALL our shopping in one place. I found my name as a brand and found it funny. I miss Mediterranean food and exited to see so many ingredients. I need to look up some recipes and get to work! If anyone wants to share, I’m not opposed.

We picked up pho and Smoothie King on the way home. I’ve been craving a good veggie juicing and this hit the spot. A little too sweet for my taste but beggars can’t be choosers.

At 2 pm, Thuy and Vu had their Zoom Baby Shower. It was nice seeing everyone’s faces. They had so many friends on the call that there was a page two but I could only get so many in the pic. We all did a round of shots to celebrate Baby Chloe. I cannot wait to meet her as she’s due anytime soon!

Later that night we did hot pot. We are having less and less foods on the table and more vegetables which means our stomachs are getting smaller and we’re eating healthier which is good. It’s taken me years to get to this state.

Today has been straight relaxing. Rizzo and I chilled outside listening to the birds and wind chimes. I cannot believe the weekend is already over but it’s been a very relaxing weekend so no complaints.

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