Our week of ordering out, Pizza Hut and Wingstop. Ever since June’s become a vegetarian she only craves pizza and it’s getting a little too much for me. Thank goodness they serve other things.
Is anyone still in quarantine? I am majority of the time but went to Mallory’s on Friday after hearing I wasn’t going to be mapped into a role – meaning I have to reapply in two rounds within the company and if I don’t get anything, I’ll be jobless come September.

We ordered food from Local Table and drank mimosas and screwdrivers and had some random conversations before I had to leave and pick up Dad’s birthday present from the store.

Rocky and Rizzo still love sitting outside. The rain has helped cool the weather and our fans help to keep the flies away.

Saturday morning we decided dad can finally chauffeur us for our errands. He couldn’t get out of the car but it was better than nothing.
Mum thought first stop to the garden center to buy literal chicken shit was the best idea. I thank goodness for masks since I couldn’t breathe without wanting to hurl if I didn’t have it on.

Sissy, Brudda and I planned a surprise birthday call with the whole entire extended family. It was BYOD: Bring your own device. Bring your own dinner. Bring your own drinks.
His surprise was also that we gave him the laptop the Zoom call was on and Sissy and BIL came and sat the the kitchen table while we were in the dining.
Dad finally got his steaks and it was nice to get everyone together. The kids played a few rounds of online Pictionary before calling it a night.

I’ve been putting random things in spring rolls all week and making special sauces for them. Since I couldn’t finish my burger yesterday night, I rolled the rest without the buns into rice paper along with the leftover green beans. I made a delicious ketchup hot sauce to dip it in.
It’s been a crazy week and this one won’t be any different. I’ll be fixing up my resume, applying to jobs outside of my company if I find any that fancies me and wait until the two rounds open within the company to apply to. Wish me luck!

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