I was a bit peeved that I wasn’t already home last night but getting to see Ethan was worth it, even if it was for an hour before we all went to bed. And having Pluto with me for the night was better than no dog. It was all better than being in a hotel all alone for over 24 hours back in San Diego.

Brudda dropped me back off at the airport. Their international airport is legit. It reminds me of the ones in Asia. More high class. The one in Houston needs an upgrade.
I went and got a nice chai latte from Artisan Market and opted for the big breakfast at McDonald’s. I couldn’t finish everything but I’d say that oddly enough these are still my favourite pancakes. I think it brings back to special times when we’d get this and share when we were kids.
I sat waiting for my flight to board, watching Gotham. When I looked up I realized my group had boarded, the last group, and there were no lines. I almost missed my flight watching Gotham! Thank goodness I looked up. It was also nice getting a whole row to myself as well.
This has been quit an adventure. I’ve mentioned to Amy that we’ve never had a one on one hangout and we went big and did a trip together. It went so well and probably one of the least stressful trips I’ve ever been on. I’ve always thought the way I traveled was weird but Lily and Amy have validated by being the same way with travels! We’ve talked about doing another trip together as well, possibly an international one. I cannot wait for that day to come!

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