Since we are two hours behind we slept in but not really. It was nice being able to wake up without an alarm and without waking up knowing you have to take the pup out.

We both got ready in record time, called an Uber and had a lovely brunch at The Cottage. We joked we were living the Trophy Wife Life. This was our favourite thing we ate all day. Definitely recommend their Benedict’s and hashes! Their bacon was crisp to perfection and they had scones you can dip in peach jam!

We walked into some stores, one of which was called Sugar and Scribe they had the cutest desserts. We thought we would be able to come back and grab some but we missed our opportunity. Their encased gold mini eclairs were a big highlight. So gorgeous! the sprinkles in a jar wall was also a big highlight. I was so in love and they lady behind the counter chuckled at me as I gazed lovingly at the different types of sprinkles.

We walked in so many different shops to name! And the view while we walked was insane. It’s paradise and I kept telling myself how content I was with how our day was going. The view was the biggest reason.

We both wanted to get our brows done and figured going to Benefit shop was the best idea ever. I felt very cared for there and they were very attentive.

We then walked to see the seals, number one on Amy’s list of things she wanted to see. Love the picture on the left and great memories made.

The views were incredible. I love how the bird posed for me and let me take various photos until I got the shot I wanted. If it wasn’t so cold, I would have probably asked if we could kayak.

We kept walking around and finally found a spot to get close to the seals. This was my best shot. I love how some of them sleep upright and sometimes fall over.

We took some pictures in front of the cuties. People say they smell horrible but I guess it just reminds me of seafood. Not as bad as I thought!

We took our first selfies of the trip with the seals. After a bajillion pictures we finally decided to leave and venture around elsewhere.

We found some crazy trees and took pictures with it. Reminds me of school pictures for some weird reason.

I was getting thirsty and was down to grab something cold that would hydrate me. While walking through some alleys I found a perfect shot for that California vibe.

We then ended up at Juice Crafters. I snagged their #11. Their window says they’re the best in San Diego and I believe it! I chugged it in a few seconds and wanted more. I am hoping I can recreate this back home. I’m also hoping I get another juice in me before I leave. It really helped jolt my body back to life with all the walking we did.

Amy opted for a tumeric coffee instead at Buzz. They had the cutest decor and gave me ideas on how to decorate my future home. If you’re debating if you should go here, she said it was very delicious!

We had lunch at George’s on the Rooftop overlooking the ocean. It was nice but super foggy by the time we got here. I had mussels on my list and this place delivered. I would say I wish they had bigger mussels but I wasn’t angry about it. Amy devoured her fish tacos in minutes. I guess we were hungrier than we thought!

I had the great idea to get reflexology massages, otherwise known as foot massages since we’ve been walking around so much. I love that she was so down for it and one hour later she couldn’t stop raving about it and want more in the future.

My most Californian shot. Palm trees and sunsets.

We were going to go back to the Airbnb and ended up chasing the sunset. We passed by a Hobbit door and took pictures in front of it.

we went by the water hoping to take selfies with the sunset. It’s kind of hard to do so on your own.

I was able to get these shots of Amy enjoying the sunset. Truthfully, she was taking pictures herself and I snapped pictures best I could to get some nice ones of her. I really love how they came out.

I also loved these as well. Purple flowers apparently make me happy and getting it with the sunset was a great plus. I love how great of a subject Amy was. I’ll tell her directions and she listens so well!

My favourite shot of the night. My dream house. I’m glad I don’t have this every day. I’m sure if I did I’d get sick of the view so fast.

We decided to head back to the Airbnb and figure out what to have for dinner. We both were down to not go anywhere. We had A Cinderella Story playing in the background while we edited pictures and laughed about all of them as we waited for our Uber Eats from Cafe Athena. Once it got here and the movie finished we picked a Set It Up to watch.
It’s been a very peaceful day. We walked a lot of steps and I feel terrific. Stress? What’s that?

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