My top nine filled with family, friends, and travels. What more could I ask for?
I’m currently hanging out with Mallory, John, and Trey to ring in the new year. Recap to come. Until then …
Recap of 2019 New Year Resolutions
- Refocus on health and fitness – I failed on this. Mentally, I’m healthier but physically, I could do better. I did lose weight but it’s never enough. Since BBBS gave us free YMCA and work gives us $250 a year on fitness, I’ll hopefully be putting it to use this coming year.
- Read, Read, Read! – my Goodreads stats are below. I made a vow to read twelve books by the end of the year. I freaked out when June came around and I had only finished three. I was so behind but by the end of August, I completed my twelve and it’s been a bit stagnant since.

- Travel somewhere new – Pennsylvania (x2), New Jersey, Marble Falls, Ohio, Montgomery, Arizona, Midland, Denver
- Save money for a new place – I’m still working on this though I will say I am doing great but the fear of having to pay for so much is a little frightening to me.
My 2020 New Year Resolutions
- Focus on health and fitness
- Read my usual 12 books a year
- Travel more
- Save money for a new place
- Continue building strong friendships
The same goals that have made me mentally happier this year so I will continue them, plus one.

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