Hi baby boy! Today we celebrated Ethan turning one month! I love this picture because Rizzo’s ears kind of looks like his. Rizzo is very interested every time he cries and always wants to be close by. I’m afraid he’ll attack but so far so good.

We went to lunch at Duck & Bao. There’s a complete difference from the last time we went. Every definitely tastes way better and even Brudda and SIL agreed this is one of the best soup dumplings in Texas since the soup was very flavourful. I guess it depends who is in the kitchen because everything was on point today.

We all went home whole Sissy and BIL went and got us Boba from Zero Degrees. They played with Emmy for a bit before heading home. Everyone in our family took naps and woke up refreshed.

We got ready and headed out the door to celebrate more of Ethan. Emmy and I had a photoshoot while we waited for everyone else to get into the car. She’s so silly and I’m sad she’s leaving tomorrow.

We had dinner at the same place as Emmy’s, Crown Seafood. This isn’t even everything we ordered. We ran out of room on the table and had to merge dishes together. We all also took home majority of the foods!

Jenny and I got our photoshoot complete. We took some of the same ones when Emmy had hers! I was also very surprised at how chill he was as we made many attempts to get the right shots.
I’m pooped and sad that tomorrow is already Sunday.

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