Thursday’s work was literally meetings to where I felt I was dying. I tried so hard to leave early but I failed and ended up not leaving the office until 5pm. Once I got home, I jumped into the car with the my parents an June and headed to Dallas. Rizzo got his own seat this time. He usually stays in his cage. It was creepy how he kept staring at me the whole drive. He did manage to sleep for a bit though.

On the drive, I ordered Wu Wei Din Chinese Cuisine from DoorDash. This is just some of it. Delicious as usual.

Everyone was still awake, along with Emmy when we got there. She stayed up with us until almost 2am as we all got ready for the party. We screamed happy birthday to her when the clock turned to midnight. She loved putting things around Rizzo’s neck and played with June most of the time until we were somewhat up to par with the decorations. As everyone slept, I signed on and worked for a bit and finished the reunion episode of Love is Blind.

When we woke up I gave Emmy her present. A ukulele. Sadly, I ordered black and the orange came instead but I wanted her to know I gave her this present so we opened it up, strummed a few chords, and packed it back up. Her actual one should come tomorrow but I won’t be here to teach her.

June and I went and ran some errands then had lunch. We decided on Manna Shabu for our own hot pot buffet. This was a pretty awesome place that gave us different Korean style pancakes to eat while we waited for our food to heat up. Great selection of foods to get and lots of different sauce choices which is rare at many hot pot places. Overall, great experience.

We walked around for a bit then went and picked up drinks from Zero Degrees. I also got June a garlic noodle in case there wasn’t anything for her to eat tonight.

We played with Emmy for a bit and got her to take a nap. I worked for a bit, took a super quick nap and continued to help decorate. This is Emmy’s unamused look with the fact that she had to sit there, not able to eat the goodies on the table.

So much food and sweets for the birthday girl. The cake is crazy awesome. Everything is edible!

Emmy and the other kids made wands. She loved hers and I can’t get over her dress!

I finally got to see Jenny again and we knocked back a few shots with the group, took a selfie per usual and sent it over to Travis.
It’s been a long day. Tomorrow, we head back to Houston. Whomp.

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