I had a one-on-one with Ricardo, my boss’ boss, yesterday. He is new to the team a few months ago and has set meet and greets with every single person under him. I am surprised about it but it makes working that much more rewarding knowing they care. He even wrote personable holiday cards to each person as well. It’s crazy and new in this company where there were always walls.

Today was our work Christmas party at Eddie V’s. We had an ugly sweater contest as well as white elephant. Although work did buy me a “Santa’s Favourite Ho” sweater, after wearing if at Patricia’s White Elephant and getting certain comments I decided to wear my Ninja Turtles one for this party instead.
I ended up with wine glasses for the white elephant. They stuck a gift receipt on it so I most likely will return it since I don’t need any more wine glasses. I have enough saved up.

I ordered the filet mignon which came with potatoes and Brussels for the table. You best bet I ate a lot of the Brussels. They came with fresh fruit and creme brulee desserts. Our team brought two Bundt cakes to say goodbye to two team members. I ended up drinking six glasses of Cabernet and Pinot Noir combined. It was a good time.

I went home and took a nap and then met Jared for margaritas. We haven’t seen one another for almost four years if not more. It’s crazy how time flies. We caught up on dating, breakups, work, family, etc. He’s currently looking for a place to purchase and maybe do some gatherings.

My holiday has begun. Here’s to cuddles and telly with my love!

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